Friday, November 18, 2011

Today's Sunrise.

   Thought I would share with you the sunrise I experienced this morning. ;D

Peace and Joy.

Billy B

Warm sun fills the sky
Touching the hearts and closed eyes
Starting great new day


  1. So pretty! Sometimes I forget to appreciate what a beautiful place we live in :)

  2. Beautiful picture and poem. Thank you for sharing! Last night's sunset was pretty freaking awesome also.

  3. Beautiful.

    Don't get me wrong I love my island and I know I'm supposed to be here, but the last few weeks I am so missing the mountains.

  4. I understand, there is a magical draw to many dramatic elements of the earth. For me the mountains, the desert, the ocean. They all have their magnetism. I do love the sea! I just don't do the winter in the mountains as well as I used to. Makes my bones and joints complain.


    Thank you everyone for the kind words.
