Saturday, February 18, 2012

Your potential is immense.

  Hello All!!

  I hope that you are ready to have a great weekend.  It is my sincere wish that you do!

  I give you my humble apologies for not being on top of my blogging game.  January and February are always traumatic months at my house as there are so many souls who thought it would be great to come into this world  all within the same 60 window of the year!

  Not being able to chose for them, I have been told that I should keep my peace and simply make do.  OK, having made do...  I only have 2 more.  My lovely bride of just a month shy of 22 years (can you believe that she is still sane  and publicly permissible after so many years of contact with me?) and our oldest son who will be 21!

  May I say,  There is great joy in seeing others have fun and feel important.  Can you imagine if you had the gift of making others feel important, imparting a smile, a warm heart or even better, inspiring someone to be a better, more considerate and loving member of society!

  Guess what?  You do!!!

  You are the most influential person you will ever know.  No one can replace you.  No one can be the friend, companion, lover, parent or shoulder to cry on that you can be.  You are utterly irreplaceable!

  Can you imagine how poor the lives of others might be without you?  If you feel in anyway otherwise, look at how you have been using this marvelous power of influence and motivation that you have.  Have you been using it wisely?  Are there better ways that you might be able to use this amazing gift you have?

  How can you be the one that, without need for recognition or reward, be the one that makes it all worthwhile for someone today?!

  I know you can do it.  I can feel it deep within my heart.  The very fiber of my being tells me so.  Go to and be who you were created to be.  Your potential is immense and you are given permission to use it all!

Love, hugs and cheer.

Billy B.


  1. Thanks! You always manage to inspire me.

  2. Thanks for another inspirational post. I don't know if I have been partying too much during mardi gras or what because when I first read this post, I thought you had written that your wife was almost twenty-two years olf and your oldest son twenty-one. I had to read it again and I felt quite stupid. Thanks for visiting my blog again.

  3. Hi WillB, another great posting. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. How you doing lately? Hope everything is okay at your side.

    We're always sowing seeds in life,
    By everything we do and say,
    So let's make sure the fruit we reap
    comes from the good we do each day.- Hess

    The fruit we sow today determine the kind of fruit we'll reap tomorrow.
    Have a great week ahead. My regards to you and family.

  4. I appreciate your visits and your kind words. ;D Melissa, my wife is younger than me, by about 6 months! LOL!!! I have done similar things myself.
