It has always been my goal to help amp up quality of life for others through my content here and the influence of my smile and presence.
After all, there is a certain smell and taste to life when you wake up on the right side of the bed. Not that there really is a right side or a wrong side, just that waking up with a good attitude can change everything! Literally!
In that spirit I offer this simple prose.
source woodenboat forums
Imbued Grace
Sampling flavor of early morning's light.
Dawn breaks out illuminating all.
Man, beast, mineral and the like.
Herein is the revelation of man's place a midst it all.
No one piece of creation is preferred any more or less.
All start equal in the new day.
All are freely given to be a witness.
Who are we to challenge the wisdom of her way?
Is there place in your heart to be part of the whole?
Wherein dawn's rise is the glory to be found?
Birth and new life is the goal.
The new sun is well to rise and cannot be bound.
A gift of creation to you.
A new day dawning.
A new life imbued.
Glory and grace to you is fawning.
Court her with all passion if you will.
Ignore her at your risk.
Blessings a waits your heart to fill.
There is no glory or reward for withholding your kiss.
I wish for you a great day endearing you with taste, sound and texture. Do you sense that life renews it'self when you start the day with a positive outlook? I do.
Peace, life and love to you and yours.
Billy B